
Ashna Golani

Full Stack Developer

MIT Dev (MERN) having 10+ years of professional experience as QA Automation Engineer (SDET). I am passionate about finding vulnerabilities in the code and keeping the code quality standards high.

Linkedin Github : mitstack
Project Demos

Featured Projects
More coming
Flexible Components
Cutting Edge Technologies
Feature Highlights

React Framework and Bootstrap UI

React is most popular frontend framework out in the software world. I have used React, Bootstrap, JSX, mapbox, webpack, REST API, node and yarn in developing the projects

Easy to Customize with Sass

Capstone projects are built using Sass. Easily change colors, typography and much more. It is the most mature, stable, and powerful CSS extension language in the world.

JSX - JS Syntax Extension

No need to write huge amount of react specific code, if you don’t want to. JSX provides features to mimic the code in HTML format and you need babel transcompiler to make it work end to end.

Built With Latest Bootstrap

Capstone featured products based on Bootstrap 5 - the world's most popular responsive, mobile-first front-end component library.

50+ Flexible Components

Besides styling all default Bootstrap 5 components, I have used lots of new flexible, customizable and reusable elements you can use across the website.

Mobile Friendly Interface

It's not a surprise that nowadays over 70% of users surf the inernet and shop online using their mobile devices. Around is 100% responsive and optimized for small touch screens.


Capstone proejcts are built with REST API specifications. Robust and will not break any contract testing.


I make sure that my projects covers all aspects of the application. Pretty extensive unit test coverage is added in each project.

Cutting Edge Technolgies

Projects are equiped with cutting edge tools and technologies to make sure we are upto date the software evolution. Express, node, react, rest api, webpack, yarn and many more tools..

W3C Valid HTML Code

All HTML files are checked via W3C validator to ensure 100% valid code. As you probably know invalid HTML limits innovation, but Around is innovative at its core.

Future-proof JavaScript

Around core scripts as well as all dependencies are written in vanilla JS. The only component that requires jQuery is Bootstrap itself. But that will change soon. And whent this happens we will drop jQuery altogether.

Detailed Documentation

Detailed Readme includes links to online documentation. It covers all crucial information about how to get started, customize template and components usage.

...and much more
